csa tips

10 Tips for Using Spring Greens

This week, my CSA farmbasket was overflowing with spring greens.  Salad greens, mustard greens, turnips and radishes topped with beautiful bunches of leaves… I will be honest, I felt a little overwhelmed, especially with the thought of my own crop of radishes quickly maturing in my community garden plot.  It seemed like the perfect time to double down and make the most of these tender spring greens!  Let’s get some inspiration together with this list of my top 10 tips for using spring greens.

Baking with Vegetables

To wind up my series of tips for cooking your way through your fall and winter CSA basket (for now anyway), I would be remiss if I didn’t introduce the endless potential of baking with vegetables. Most of us have likely had a slice of pumpkin pie or carrot cake. But lots of fall veggies are particularly well suited to sneaking inside cakes, muffins, quick breads, brownies, and cookies. All squashes, carrots, parsnips, beets, and even cauliflower and greens can add a serious health boost and flavor to your winter baking.

Alternative Pesto: Everything Green is a Pesto Waiting to Happen

Last week I shared my top 5 tips for getting the most out of your CSA basket or fall vegetables. We chatted about some ideas for your roots, tubers, squash, and crucifers. But what about all those gorgeous greens? Not to mention all the showy fronds that often come attached? Consider this tip #6: Everything green is a pesto waiting to happen! Alternative pesto is a bit unexpected and naturally frugal.