frugal family

Sustainable DIY’s and clever crunchy tidbits for your home and family.

No-Sew Cloth Wipes & Tissues

If you’ve made the decision to cloth diaper, using cloth wipes is a no brainer. But even if you use disposables, this quick no-sew cloth wipes project can save you a good chunk of change on baby wipes. Done with diapers? Congratulations! These are still amazing and frugal as DIY reusable tissues, face wipes, and wet wipes for big kids (and grownups, too)! Grab your extra receiving blankets or worn out cotton clothes. Lemme show you how to make the easiest no-sew cloth wipes and tissues!

DIY Natural Hand Soap- quick and easy

When you’re feeling the drive to live a greener, more natural life, it’s hard to know where to start. It definitely was for me. But by making one simple change at a time, you can slowly but surely weed out unnecessary chemicals and waste from your home. The best place to start is with something that will save you time and money. Making DIY natural hand soap is not only inexpensive, it’s super convenient! It takes as few as two ingredients and less than 5 minutes.