DIY No-Sew Cloth Face Mask

In the past few weeks Americans have become accustomed to empty shelves at the grocery store and pharmacy.  Panic buying and hoarding have made it nearly impossible to find hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, toilet paper, and, of course, face masks.  But making your own cotton face mask is super simple using stuff you already have at home.  Here is my favorite idea for a DIY no-sew face mask that anyone can make in minutes.

30+ Frugal Things to Do While You’re Social Distancing

Like millions of Americans and folks around the globe, I am practicing “social distancing.” Virtually every normal activity in my life has been temporarily shut down. No school, no going to the office, no swim lessons, no gym, no church, no museums or libraries or play dates… After a brief period of panic about what the heck to do with my whole family stuck at home for an ever-increasing period of time, I have decided to reframe this as an opportunity! There are plenty of projects I’ve been putting off or adding to my “someday maybe” list. If you’re in the same boat, here are some frugal ideas for what to do while you’re social distancing during the Coronavirus pandemic.

No-Sew Unpaper Towels and How to Store Them

Confession time. Up until about a month ago, I still had a roll of paper towels hanging in my kitchen. I even went to the trouble of moving it out of the shot in my YouTube videos because I felt like a fraud! The truth is that we ditched paper napkins many years ago, we cloth diaper, use cloth tissues, and have stacks of dish rags and cleaning cloths. So why was I still keeping disposable paper towels within reach?